
Pedagogy of change

Not only the development of children is a process, but so is the pedagogic concept and practice itself! Contrary to Steiner and Montessori pedagogy, Reggio pedagogy aims to be a project under constant development where goals and purpose are open and revisable.

Reality should not be avoided but always be considered. As the cultural reality is always changing over time and it can be very different in different places or situations, pedagogy should be always open to adapt to those. Children, parents and teachers, as well as all other workers in the institution, need to be included in this process. Constant communication, discussion, common activities are necessary to guarantee this inclusion.


Education and upbringing are a responsibility of the whole community!

Reggio pedagogy opposes the privatization of upbringing. The responsibilities do not lie only with the families. The participation and inclusion of parents, grandparents and kindergarten team should be guaranteed through meetings and workshops in informal atmosphere. Members from the local community are also invited to participate for example in celebrations, those can be seasonal but also to celebrate the finishing of a big project.

Through council meetings parents are also directly involved in the management of the kindergarten. The council is elected every two years and consists to a minimum of 50% of parents and, to a small extend, also interested local citizens. The other members of the council are kindergarten staff. The council is forming work groups that take care of for example design of the pedagogic environment, selection and admission of new children, external relations of the institution or specific pedagogical-didactic topics like play-material or game development.

Final goal of this participatory pedagogy is the emerging of a new culture of upbringing, not only in the particular families but in all families.

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